
Our mission

Solutions for the rapid and selective removal of harmful antibodies while sparing the immune system

Ablevia's team envisions a future where the targeted removal of unwanted and disease-causing antibodies no longer imposes inefficient and stressful restrictions. Our mission is to offer a therapeutic principle for removing disease-causing and drug-neutralizing antibodies specifically and rapidly for the benefit of our partners, customers and patients.

Ablevia's technology

Ablevia develops therapeutics for the removal of unwanted and disease-causing antibodies.

Certain types of antibodies can be harmful instead of protecting us from infections: Drug-neutralizing antibodies pose a problem in the application of a wide range of modern biologics or viral vectors, whereas self-attacking autoantibodies can trigger autoimmune conditions.

Ablevia has developed a proprietary platform technology enabling the efficient and selective sequestration of harmful antibodies by a new class of infusible biological therapeutics. It enables rapid removal of unwanted and harmful antibodies in a selective manner.

Our antibody depleting compounds are readily adapted to target disease-causing and unwanted antibodies in rare diseases and conditions whith unmet clinical needs.

Founded in 2018 at the Vienna BioCenter Campus, Ablevia focuses on preclinical research and development. We are reaching out for programs with strong partners in need of addressing undesired antibodies in preclinical and clinical development.

Fields of application

Broad application of a new selective antibody removal technology

Anti-drug-antibodies (ADAs) and neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against biologics

Repeated administration of biologics can elicit immune responses against the administered drug. The formation of NAbs against a biologic drug leads to changes in its clearance rate, and distribution within the body. This can affect the effectivity of the drug.

Neutralizing antibodies against viral gene therapy vectors

NAbs against viral gene therapy vectors can occur even before the first or repeated administration of a viral vector. Ablevia's SADC technology target such pre-existing or induced neutralizing antibodies for those patients who would otherwise not be eligible for gene therapy if they carry neutralizing antibodies.

Reduction of drug efficacy

To enhance solubility, circulation time and tissue distribution and to reduce immunogenicity, peptide and protein drugs can be coupled to polyethylene glycol (PEG). However pre-existing or drug-induced antibodies against PEG shields can be the cause for the "accelerated blood clearance (ABC)" phenomenon, leading to a reduction of drug efficacy.

Substitution and replacement therapies

Repeated administration of biologics that are recognized as "foreign" by the patients' immune system, often cause an antibody response that leads to drug clearance and inhibition. This fundamental problem mainly affects patients that are in need of regular enzyme or factor replacement therapies, including rare genetic diseases or metabolic conditions.

New perspectives?

The SADC technology offers individual solutions for removing unwanted and harmful antibodies rapidly and selectively. SADCs facilitate the targeting of NAbs against new biologics with foreign structures, against protein and peptide drugs in replacement therapies, or against gene therapy and oncolytic viral vectors. Ablevia’s compounds can be adapted to well-defined disease-causing autoantibodies in the emerging field of autoimmune conditions, such as some neuroimmunological diseases. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us about your ideas!

Our company's development

3+ years of R&D at the Vienna BioCenter Campus to establish a cutting edge therapeutic for selective antibody removal

Ablevia's concept was born from the idea that deep knowledge about the target structures of antibodies should enable to create a therpautic principle for the rapid removal of harmful and disease-causing antibodies. Ablevia was founded 2018 by Oskar Smrzka and Christof Paparella at the Vienna BioCenter Campus.

Dr. Oskar Smrzka
Oskar Smrzka, MD – Founder
Oskar Smrzka studied medicine before joining research teams at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, and later at the Institut Curie in Paris. He then moved to biotech industry setting up an R&D pipeline for target Discovery & Enabling Technologies in the vaccine and therapeutic antibody field. Oskar addressed harmful antibody removal by extracorporeal strategies. He is the inventor of the SADC (Selective Antibody Depletion Compounds) technology for the selective removal of unwanted and harmful antibodies using peptide-based injectable biologics.
Dr. Christof Paparella
Dr. Christof Paparella, M.CEMS – Co-founder
Christof Paparella studied Economics and International Business Management at Vienna University of Economics, Universitá L. Bocconi in Milan, and Vienna University of Technology. He worked in official statistics for national statistical offices and various international organizations. After a mid-career switch to the private sector he completed a lean-six-sigma black belt training and focused on industrial consulting, pharmaceutical manufacturing optimization and efficient compliance transformation in quality management.

Custom solutions

Let’s chat about your individual needs and challenges with unwanted antibodies.

Get in touch

Want to take a closer look at our strategies how to remove harmful antibodies while sparing the protective pool of immunoglobulins? We are happy to explain the SADC technology for the removal of harmful and undesired antibodies.

Defining targets

By precisely defining your target autoantibodies or neutralizing antibodies together, we will set the ground for developing specifically adapted SADC leads, that are shaped to target harmful or unwanted autoantibodies.

Co-development & licensing

Ablevia offers co-development and licensing of newly developed SADCs for further preclinical and clinical development. Contact us for further information about our business model.

Our partners

Meet the partners that helped us get to where we are, and keep us moving forward.

We are located at the Vienna BioCenter Startup Labs. Ablevia successfully leveraged private investments with non-dilutive funding by federal institutions that helped us setting up Ablevia’s SADC technology and independence in early seed phase. We were incubated at INiTS, received funding by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG Early Stage program) and the Vienna Business Agency, and we were awarded seed financing by the Austrian promotional bank aws.

Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
Austria Wirtschaftsservice
Vienna BioCenter
Vienna Business Agency

Get in touch

Interested in learning more about Ablevia's selective antibody depletion strategies?

Maria Jacobi Gasse 1, MQM 3.2
1030 Vienna, Austria
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